Myong-Joo Lee
Pianist, Faculty of the California State University, Fullerton.  Artistic Director of the Vancouver Piano Sessions in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Pianist Myong-Joo Lee began her solo career at the age of fourteen with the Nashville
Symphony Orchestra and since then made her successful New York debut at the
Carnegie Recital Hall and other appearances such as recitals at the Frick Collection,
Orchestra Hall in Chicago, Disney Hall in Los Angeles, Cleveland Museum of the Arts,
Flagler Museum of Art in Palm Beach, Seoul Arts Center and Young San Art Hall in
Seoul Korea among others. In addition, Dr. Lee also has been a top prize winner of
several national and international competitions including first prize winner at the Pro
Piano Artist Series Competition in New York, Joanna Hodges International Piano
Competition and has received prizes at the Guild International Piano Competition,
Cleveland International Competition, Chopin Kosciuszko Foundation Piano Competition
in New York among many others. In addition, her orchestra appearances include
Rumanian Broadcasting Symphony Orchestra, Nashville Symphony Orchestra,
Memphis Chamber Orchestra, Sewanee Festival Orchestra among others throughout
US and broadcasts on WQXR in New York and WCLV in Cleveland.
Dr. Lee regularly presents master classes and workshops in the U.S. Asia and Europe.
She is frequently invited to various music festivals such as Art of Piano at the University
of Cincinnati, JeJu international Piano festival in JeJu, Korea,Taiwan International Piano
Festival in Taipei, Music Fest Perugia, Italy, and adjudicate for numerous National and
International competitions.

Dr. Lee has been an active teacher for both pre-college and college students have
consistently won top prizes at prestigious international and national piano competitions
including Cooper International Piano Competition, Hilton Head International Piano
Competition, Virginia Waring International Piano Competition, From the Top Jack Kent
Cooke Young Artist Award, Los Angeles Philharmonic Bronislaw Kaper Young Artist
Award, Blount Slawson Young Artist Competition, Mondavi Young Artist National
Competition, Music Teachers National Association (MTNA) National Piano Competition
and Los Angeles International Liszt Competition among others.

Dr. Lee received her BM and MM degree from Indiana University, where she received
the Beechler Memorial Scholarship during her undergraduate studies and served as an
assistant instructor while working on Master degree. In addition, she earned her DMA
degree at the University of Southern California Thornton School of Music, where she
was a teaching assistant for distinguished professor John Perry. Her other teachers
include Paul Schenly, Sergei Babayan, Leonard Hokanson, Michel Block, Zadel
Skolovsky, Shigeo Neriki and James Tocco.

Dr. Lee is currently a member of the piano faculty at the California State University,
Fullerton and a Co-Founder and Artistic Director for the Vancouver Piano Sessions in
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Dr. has also served as an assistant professor of
piano at the University of Puget Sound in Tacoma, WA, has been a member of the piano
faculty at the USC Thornton School of Music, and in the Colburn Music Academy at The
Colburn School in Los Angeles.