Please use your name and category no to locate your placement.

If you find any error, please contact us at

We are also working on sorting the comment sheet and name plate which have been left behind after competition. We will mail those to you with the address on our file.

People, who left their address with us during the competition or emailed us after,   will receive the missing items to that updated address.

Entry No. Applicant Name Category ID Placement
2364 Ivy Liu PN/O07 1
2370 Nathan Choi PN/O08 1
2374 Caden Zhang PN/O09 1
2375 Felix Zhou PN/O09 1
2377 Karen Jeong PN/O09 1
2384 Chason Yue PN/O10 1
2385 Chloe Cao PN/O10 1
2386 Claire Chen PN/O10 1
2389 Evan Zhao PN/O10 1
2390 Gabriel Alegria PN/O10 1
2392 Louis Ye PN/O10 1
2397 Clara Zhang PN/O11 1
2398 Evynne Chang PN/O11 1
2401 Kensy Cuellar PN/O11 1
2409 Alexis Lee PN/O12 1
2411 Angelina Nguyen PN/O12 1
2415 Jackson He PN/O12 1
2416 Leyan Yang PN/O12 1
2421 Abigail Davis PN/O13 1
2422 Allison Phan PN/O13 1
2425 Arvin Zhou PN/O13 1
2426 Aven Ko PN/O13 1
2437 Andrew Tai PN/O14 1
2439 Benjamin Hoang PN/O14 1
2440 Chloe Xu PN/O14 1
2453 Hanyu Huang PN/O15 1
2454 Isaac Lee PN/O15 1
2457 Jonathan Zhou PN/O15 1
2464 Ryan Shi PN/O15 1
2466 Ze-Ya Wang PN/O15 1
2471 Eric Xu PN/O16 1
2481 Aaron Marana PN/O17 1
2484 Rachael Vu PN/O19 1
2485 Lucas Huang PN/OA07 1
2486 Jason Huang PN/OA08 1
2487 Jasper He PN/OA09 1
2490 Daniel Cui PN/OA11 1
2494 Angelina Nguyen PN/OA12 1
2495 Siyuan Huang PN/OA15 1
2497 Seungbeom Baek PN/OA17 1
2499 Felix Zhou PN/OB09 1
2503 Xiaoyan Yang PN/OB10 1
2505 Christian Lin PN/OB11 1
2508 Leyan Yang PN/OB12 1
2509 April Zhang PN/OB13 1
2510 Aven Ko PN/OB13 1
2518 Benjamin You PN/OC10 1
2528 Matthew Yan PN/OC13 1
2530 Wenbo Huang PN/OC14 1
2534 Tyler Hernandez PN/OC19 1
2535 Ethan Yan, Maochen Tan PN/OD10 1
2536 Jessie Long, Emily Wang PN/OD11 1
2538 Rachael Vu, Travis Luu PN/OD19 1
2365 Lyanne Tran PN/O07 2
2369 Johnny Ye PN/O08 2
2372 Andrew Li PN/O09 2
2378 Leo Li PN/O09 2
2380 Sunny Lin PN/O09 2
2381 Abigail Jung PN/O10 2
2388 Ethan Yan PN/O10 2
2391 Lawrence Chen PN/O10 2
2394 Ryan Bae PN/O10 2
2395 Victoria Li PN/O10 2
2624 Dain Cho PN/O11 2
2402 Mia Kim PN/O11 2
2404 Rami Choi PN/O11 2
2408 Alexander Si PN/O12 2
2418 Olivia Chen PN/O12 2
2419 Runzhi Huang PN/O12 2
2424 April Zhang PN/O13 2
2428 David Kahng PN/O13 2
2431 Leah Park PN/O13 2
2433 Maximilian Bui PN/O13 2
2436 Alexander Vu PN/O14 2
2441 Evelyn Liang PN/O14 2
2444 Henry Zhang PN/O14 2
2446 Kathleen Le PN/O14 2
2448 Lee Yang PN/O14 2
2452 Elissa He PN/O15 2
2455 Jia Lee PN/O15 2
2459 Katelyn Vo PN/O15 2
2460 Kelly Law PN/O15 2
2463 Matthew Szeto PN/O15 2
2467 Acer Dong PN/O16 2
2469 Byul Chung PN/O16 2
2472 Hakop Azatyan PN/O16 2
2474 Jennifer Vu PN/O16 2
2475 Jesslyn Chang PN/O16 2
2488 Sunny Lin PN/OA09 2
2489 Christian Lin PN/OA11 2
2496 Gracie Hou PN/OA16 2
2498 Caitlyn Xu PN/OB08 2
2502 Joanna Tu PN/OB10 2
2504 Amber Tse PN/OB11 2
2507 Ellie Oh PN/OB12 2
2511 Sammi Lam PN/OB13 2
2512 Lee Yang PN/OB14 2
2513 Acer Dong PN/OB16 2
2514 Hakop Azatyan PN/OB16 2
2516 Jason Huang PN/OC08 2
2521 Lana Bui PN/OC11 2
2525 Allison Phan PN/OC13 2
2529 Alexander Vu PN/OC14 2
2537 Alexis Lee, Grace Lam PN/OD12 2
2363 Chloe Shui PN/O07 3
2367 Catherine Lin PN/O08 3
2371 Teng Liao PN/O08 3
2373 Austin Lin PN/O09 3
2376 Hannah Jin PN/O09 3
2379 Lucas Lin PN/O09 3
2387 Daniel Lin PN/O10 3
2393 Mason Joon-Soo Kim PN/O10 3
6003 Sophie Chen PN/O10 3
2399 Jamie Chung PN/O11 3
2400 Jolynne Fan PN/O11 3
2405 Zariah Nunes PN/O11 3
2406 Aaron Nguyen PN/O12 3
2407 Abbie Li PN/O12 3
2413 Cameron Wu PN/O12 3
2414 Evelyn Ho PN/O12 3
2417 Marcus Kuo PN/O12 3
2423 Angelyn P. Pratana PN/O13 3
2432 Mason Szeto PN/O13 3
2438 Bailee Lin PN/O14 3
2442 Isaac Fok PN/O14 3
2445 Jonathan Huang PN/O14 3
2449 Wenbo Huang PN/O14 3
2450 Bella Dang PN/O15 3
2451 Claire Yang PN/O15 3
2462 Martin Nguyen PN/O15 3
2465 Yue Loren Liang PN/O15 3
2468 Alison Soewito PN/O16 3
2473 Irene An PN/O16 3
2477 Sophie Lee PN/O16 3
2478 Xenia Lee PN/O16 3
2479 Zalea Nunes PN/O16 3
2483 Ruei-Chi Tai PN/O17 3
2492 Miranda Liu PN/OA11 3
2506 Daniel Cui PN/OB11 3
2519 Felix Guo PN/OC10 3
2522 Oliver Liu PN/OC11 3
2526 Angelyn P. Pratana PN/OC13 3
2531 Katelyn Vo PN/OC15 3
2532 Tramy Nguyen PN/OC15 3
2533 Rachael Vu PN/OC19 3
2366 Caitlyn Xu PN/O08 4
2383 Chase Lin PN/O10 4
2412 Benjamin Beteta PN/O12 4
2420 Zihan Wang PN/O12 4
2427 Connor Jung PN/O13 4
2430 Hyunbin Moon PN/O13 4
2434 Nathan Lee PN/O13 4
2435 Sammi Lam PN/O13 4
2443 Haim Ahn PN/O14 4
2447 Ksenia Hays PN/O14 4
2456 Jingyi Liu PN/O15 4
2461 Kimi Chung PN/O15 4
2476 Rita Bezdjian PN/O16 4
2480 Sophie Tsai PN/O16 4
2491 Maxaurelius Peng PN/OA11 4
2493 Rami Choi PN/OA11 4
2520 Lawrence Chen PN/OC10 4
2523 William Chou PN/OC11 4
2524 Aaron Nguyen PN/OC12 4
2527 Justin Pyo PN/OC13 4