NOTE: All Contestant need to fill two copies of Evaluation form before entering contest Room.
Please download evaluation form from Here.
Contest Entry fees
Solo categories:
I. Qualified Category: $60
II. Open Category: $70
III. Prodigy Category: $80
Ensemble categories:
IV: Open Ensemble Group: members 4 or more, $120 per category.
V: Open Ensemble Group: members 3, $110 per category.
VI: Open Ensemble Group: members 2, $100 per category.
VII: Qualified Ensemble Group: members 4 or more, $100per category.
VIII: Qualified Ensemble Group: members 3, $90 per category.
IX: Qualified Ensemble Group: members 2, $80 per category.
Application forms:
Since we have transitioned completely form mail-in application to online,
please go to to register.
Single Entry Form(For single applicant use)
Master Entry Form(For multiple applicants use)
Ensemble Entry Form(One form use for one category) Each applicant can participate up to five categories. Please fill in correct categories numbers you wish to compete in the application form.
(The Single Entry Form is under the “Categories Numbers: ” section. The Master Entry Form is under the “Category 1”, “Category 2”…section.)
Single Entry Form(For single applicant use)
Master Entry Form(For multiple applicants use)
Each applicant can participate up to five categories. Please fill in correct categories numbers you wish to compete in the application form.
(The Single Entry Form is under the “Categories Numbers: ” section. The Master Entry Form is under the “Category 1”, “Category 2”…section.)
You can open the forms by using Google Chrome web browser or Internet Explorer Browser.
For Firefox web browser you need to download the form to your computer first, then open the forms.
Print out the complete form(s) and send in with your application fee to:
Satori Strings
67 E. Floral Ave.
Arcadia, CA 91006
Grand Prize Contest: Procedure and Schedule
1st place winners in the Prodigy and Open categories are encouraged to sign up for the Grand Prize Contest, An additional $15 application fee will be applied for each solo contestant.
Four(4) solo winners will be chosen as follows:
Category I: Age nine (9) and younger.
Category II: Ages ten (10) through twelve (12).
Category III: Ages thirteen (13) through fifteen (15).
Category IV: Ages sixteen (16) and up.
An additional application fee will be applied for each Ensemble contestant group. $40 for each ensemble group.
Two (2)groups of ensemble contestants will be chosen as follows:
Category I: Age thirteen (13) and younger. (The oldest member of the ensemble must be under thirteen).
Category II: Age fourteen (14) and up.
Grand Prize Winners: Certificate of Excellence and Satori Strings Contest
Grand Trophy
Grand Prize Participants: Certificate of Recognition and Perfroming video on Youtube/satoristrings