SCM Entry Procedure

Exam dates

The entry process for SCM exam is quite simple. Read though the requirements and select your desire date(s) available to you, download and complete the forms: Application Formand Adjudication Evaluation Form Send them in with you payment by or before the due date SCM has four exams every year that you can pick the time which suitable to your busy schedule.

Exam material

Each exam has its own registration date that usually starts right after the proceeding exam until the due date which is 31 days before the next exam. Participants should be prepared of your performing repertoires and theory worksheet (there is no test on the Theory part, you need to download the worksheet and finish the on your own time). By the time for taking your performing exam you should have your completed theory worksheet ready. A SCM certificate will be presented when you passed the level exam.

Honor Recital

On the evaluation form there is a section the adjudicator can suggest for SCM Honor Recital. Students can sign up for the Honor Recital by contacting us to find out the schedule. This gives students extra credit by present a honorable trophy and certificate, and our recording engineer will stand by to record your performance at the recital. Students who sign up for the Honor Recital there will be additional fees.


SCM only focus on performance exam. We understand that the music theory is very important to young music learners and we believe that a serious music student ought to pay attention to this mater. Since there are so many related resources on-line these days youngsters can easily find the things they need to know. Note that student can only advance their levels twice a year.

SCM Levels

SCM has quite rich performing programs. After the ten levels of exams there are three Virtuoso Artist levels that give more opportunities for serious young musicians show their talents. We also host the popular Satori Strings Contests (Ten years event in the greater Los Angeles area) and Southwest Bach Festival. We welcome you to join us with your music study journey.